Everyday Sustainability

Arenas Del Mar Beach & Rainforest Resort

Everyday Sustainability

At Arenas Del Mar, sustainability is in our DNA. It guides our everyday decisions and is ingrained in our guest experience. Explore some of our sustainable practice highlights here.

Arenas Del Mar Beach & Rainforest Resort

No-Plastic Policy

We’re proud to have banished all single-use plastics

At Arenas Del Mar we’ve made the conscious decision to get rid of all plastic water bottles from our resort. They take vast quantities of fossil fuels to produce, and are non-biodegradable. More often than not, used bottles don’t get recycled either.

Water in Costa Rica is 100% potable. We encourage you to use the reusable bottles provided at the hotel.

We have also replaced single-use plastic straws with locally-made bamboo stalks. They’re compostable which helps us reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste produced at the resort.

Arenas Del Mar Beach & Rainforest Resort

Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden

We’ve taken local sourcing
one step further

We have a hydroponic vegetable garden onsite that grows some of the greens for our tasty dishes. The garden provides our plants with all the nutrients they need without any soil. The plants spend less time developing complex roots and more time… growing!

Hydroponic gardens use 10 per cent less water than their soil counterparts and the water can be reused again and again. Growing in the safety of a greenhouse, there are no pesticides involved either. Clean, simple, and sustainable.

Arenas Del Mar Beach & Rainforest Resort

Awards & Memberships


The perfect symbiosis between Five Star luxury and Five Leaf Sustainability

Arenas Del Mar is a member of the Cayuga Collection of Sustainable Hotels and Lodges. As a group we were awarded the accolade of Earth Changers at National Geographic’s World Legacy Awards in 2017 and the WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Award in 2018.

The accolade recognizes cutting-edge leadership in environmentally friendly business practices and green technology. Think renewable energy and water conservation. Zero-waste systems and carbon-emissions reduction.

Our dedication to sustainable practices has also been recognized by the Costa Rican Tourism Board’s Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST).

They evaluated our natural, cultural and social resource management. We were awarded the full Five Leaves of the Sustainability Award for pioneering initiatives in sustainable hospitality.

Every year we are also proud to receive a five-star Bandera Azul Ecológica from the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism for our clean beaches and energy saving measures. Our water has also has a five-star quality seal.

A Sustainable Luxury Experience

“The resort has a 5 Leaf sustainability award which is evident from the second you arrive. The eco-friendly vibe definitely adds to the experience. Everyone is so passionate about the rainforest and Arenas Del Mar’s mission that it was contagious. You feel like you’re part of the conservation efforts when you’re staying here.”

– Jen, New York

Ready to Reserve?

How Would You Like to Contact Us?


Monday – Thursday:
7am — 9pm CST
Friday – Sunday:
8am — 7pm CST

Quick answers, always!


Monday – Thursday:
7am — 9pm CST
Friday – Sunday:
8am — 7pm CST


US & Canada Toll-Free:
+1 888 385-9218

Costa Rica direct:
+(506) 4040-0422

Hotel Concierge:

Costa Rica direct:
+(506) 2777-2777



Arenas Del Mar Beachfront & Rainforest Resort
Junction 4.6km on Route 618 turn right onto
Road to Arenas del Mar
Manuel Antonio, Puntarenas
Costa Rica 60601